Tag: Reading Habits

reading habits

Yesterday I had my last math-test and I did really well, so I thought I deserved a small break before I began the-five-days-of-hell-oh-I-mean-studying-chemistry. So here I am, doing another tag :).

This tag was created by TheBookJazz and you can find her video here. :)

In this tag, you’re supposed to answer some questions concerning your reading habits. I for one think it’s a great and fun tag, but I thought I could combine it with the Readabits tag (I couldn’t find the original video), since it had some interesting questions as well :).

Should we begin? :)

Reading Habits

1. Do you have a certain place at home for reading?
2. Bookmark or random piece of paper?
3. Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter/ a certain amount of pages?
4. Do you eat or drink while reading?
5. Multitasking: Music or TV while reading?
6. One book at a time or several at once?
7. Reading at home or everywhere?
8. Reading out lout or silently in your head?
9. Do you read ahead or even skip pages?
10. Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?
11. Do you write in your books?


1. When do you find yourself reading? Morning, afternoon, evening, whenever you get the chance or all the time?
2. What is your best setting to read in?
3. What do you do first – Read or Watch?
4. What form do you prefer? Audiobook, E-book or physical book?
5. Do you have a unique habit when you read?
6. Do book series have to match?

1. Do you have a certain place at home for reading?

Nah, not really. I guess I prefer reading in my bed, but it depends. If I’m feeling a bit sleepy and want to sit upright, I usually go to the living room and read on the couch.

IMG_0928This is where the magic happens ;)

2. Bookmark or random piece of paper?

I do have a few bookmarks, but I never use them. Paper is much more my style :). I either tear a piece from a notebook or use, I don’t know what they’re called…post-it notes without the sticky part, I guess. I can also really recommend using receipts from the library ;). I always save mine and I love finding old ones in weird places :). By the way, I do not dog-ear my books. The mere thought….


You can find these all over my room, in my bag, pockets….everywhere

3. Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter/ a certain amount of pages?

I prefer to stop after a chapter, which is why I prefer books with shorter ones. If a book has really short chapters, I get this “just one more chapter before I sleep”-feeling (this usually ends with me finishing the book and then walking  around like a zombie at school the next day), whereas if each chapter is like 30 pages, I can’t fool myself, if you know what I mean. If I start a new chapter with 30 pages, then I know I will be reading 30 pages. When it has 10 pages, though, I can trick my conscious into thinking I will only read 10, while I end up reading 100, since it’s only 10 more, you know?.  I absolutely hate it when a book doesn’t have chapters at all, or if a new chapter begins in the middle of a page :O.


Please don’t do this.

4. Do you eat or drink while reading?

Hmm…usually not, but not so much because I’m afraid I will spill. More because it’s impossible really hard to read and eat at the same time.

5. Multitasking: Music or TV while reading?

It depends. I can’t watch TV while reading (unless it’s a REALLY awesome book), but most of the time I can listen to music. I can’t do it if the book has really difficult words, but otherwise, no problem :). Sometimes, if I listen to a certain song a lot while reading a book, I will forever connect the song with the book. For example, every time I hear Plane, by Jason Mraz, I think about the first time I read Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone when I was 14. :) I love when that happens.

6. One book at a time or several at once?

At one point in my life, I always read like four books at the same time, but now I really try to finish the book I’m currently reading before starting a new one. Sometimes, though, I can re-read a book even though I have another one going. I can get this sudden urge, you see, where I just have to read a certain book. This is why I like owning my favourite books. When the urge hits me, there’s just no time to go to the library.


What would I do without you guys? <3

7. Reading at home or everywhere?

I mostly read at home, but during the summer I really like reading at the beach :) (I don’t have the patience to sunbathe unless I have a book to entertain me). I don’t read at the bus or in cafés, though.

8. Reading out lout or silently in your head?

Silently in my head, definitely. Sometimes, my friend and I read out loud to each other, doing funny voices. I’m not allowed to do this with books she haven’t read already, though, since she doesn’t want to get stuck with my voice in her head for the rest of the book. I can’t imagine why, my Cricket Bell was exquisite ;).

9. Do you read ahead or even skip pages?

No, I don’t do that. One exception is Pandemonium, that I just wanted to finish and therefore skipped a few paragraphs towards the end. You can find out why if you read my review (it wasn’t because it was a bad book or anything).

10. Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?

I can see your point if you say a book with a broken spine is a loved book, but no no no no no. I absolutely do not, never ever break the spine on my books if I can help it. If you borrow a book from me and return it with a broken spine, you won’t do it ever again….because you will never even get to touch a book of mine again. (Unless there is a really good explanation. Then I understand and forgive you).


This only happens when I don’t really care about the book and it haunts me even then…

11. Do you write in your books?

Once again, HELL NO!

1. When do you find yourself reading? Morning, afternoon, evening, whenever you get the chance or all the time?

Whenever I get the chance :).

2. What is your best setting to read in?

Really cozy and warm :). Lots of pillows, maybe a blanket, indoors…that’s how I like it :). I like reading outside, but if the wind is strong, if there are insects, or if the sun is in my eyes, I’m going to be bothered.

3. What do you do first – Read or Watch?

I try to read before watching. If I watch the movie first, it’s probably because I don’t know it’s based on a book.

4. What form do you prefer? Audiobook, E-book or physical book?

I prefer physical books, but I have this thing where I sometimes can’t sleep without hearing voices in my head, so I listen to audiobooks of books I have already read. That came out sounding extremely weird. I promise I’m not crazy, I just find it soothing to listen to people speaking.

5. Do you have a unique habit when you read?

No, not that I have noticed.

6. Do book series have to match?

GOD yes!


This makes me really sad, but it’s my own damn fault…

And that’s it. :) If you haven’t done this already, consider yourself tagged.

Bye! :)

6 thoughts on “Tag: Reading Habits

  1. We share a lot of these traits. I HATE it when books have cracked spines that’s why I’m so picky about buying used books even if they are 95% off. I just can’t stand it! My best friend had a bad habit of dog-earing my borrowed books and we used to have the BIGGEST fights over it. I finally stopped lending her books when one of my books came back with highlighter marks. I love audiobooks too, i listen to them when i want to play a game but don’t wanna take time off from a book, which is usually at night too.

    Really cute tag!

  2. Don’t beat yourself up about that last one. Sometimes we make mistakes! haha I hate that too, it makes me crazy. However, that’s really only if I’m obsessed with a series, if I didn’t really love it, I’m okay with them not all matching.
